Radkan Tower
می 30, 2020
مقاله برج رادکان در ماهنامه دانشمند
می 31, 2020

Tower of Keshmar

برج کشمر (بردسکن)

Tower of Keshmar



sunlight comes from two windows at Noruz and find equinox day .
Tower designed by Khaje Nasir Tusi group like the tower of Radkan , plus Maragheh observatory



sunlight comes from a big window on the corn and passes from the only hole of the hemisphere at Noruz and find equinox day .this direction made for finding equinox day and first day of the Iranian calendar
Sunlight on the Columns find exact midday and the tower made exact celestial meridian .
geographical latitude is 35:18



Tower of Keshmar Has 12 walls , 48 columns 1 door ,3 windows ,8 holes on the columns , 2 stairs ,1 window on corn ,and many holes on corn it is like Radkan tower
We can observe sunlight and moonlight comes from holes , windows and on the columns
We can find azimuths and altitude, sun, moon and stars in this observatory

برج گنبد سرخ مراغه

Tower of Gonbade Sorekhe Marageh



3D perspective .sunlight drops on the door at the fist day of spring (Nuroz) and finds equinox day .
We can observe sunlight and moonlight comes from holes , windows and on the columns Sunlight on the columns find exact midday and the tower was made exact celestial meridian



this is the Tower of Gonbade Sorkhe Maragheh . it is a part of observatory of Maragheh.
geographical latitude is 37:20

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